Grief and Loss

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Grief and Loss

Counseling for Grief and Loss

The loss of a loved one is one of life’s most challenging experiences. Grief is a natural reaction to loss, and while the journey varies for everyone, most people go through specific stages of grief on their path to healing and recovery. At Behr Psychology, our specialized counseling for grief and loss is designed to support you through this difficult time.

Understanding the stages of grief

The “five stages of grief” model, developed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, was initially meant to describe how terminally ill individuals cope with illness and death. Today, this model is widely used to understand the feelings of those grieving any significant loss. The five stages of grief include:

Denial: This is often the first reaction to a loss. Denial serves as a temporary defense mechanism, buffering the immediate shock.

Anger: As the reality of the loss sets in, it’s common to feel anger. This stage can mask underlying fears and frustrations.

Bargaining: In this stage, individuals might dwell on “what if” scenarios, attempting to regain control by making deals or promises.

Depression: A profound sense of sadness, helplessness, and hopelessness can arise as one acknowledges the extent of the loss.

Acceptance: Ultimately, acceptance involves coming to terms with the new reality, allowing for healing and the possibility of moving forward.

Addressing complicated grief

Complicated grief occurs when intense emotional pain persists and interferes with daily life. You May feel overwhelmed by sadness, constantly preoccupied with the deceased, and experience profound feelings of emptiness and detachment. If these symptoms resonate with you, Behr Psychology offers grief and loss counseling tailored to your needs.

How Behr Psychology can help

Grief and loss counseling at Behr Psychology provides a safe space to process emotions and deal with grief. Our experienced therapists will help you navigate the stages of grief, identify signs of complicated grief, and develop coping strategies. Therapy for grief and loss can help you adjust to life after loss and prevent long-term mental health issues.

How do I start therapy for grief and loss at Behr Psychology?

If you’re struggling with loss and looking for professional mental health support, our counseling for grief and loss can offer you the relief you’ve been seeking. At Behr Psychology, we provide in-person consultations at our Midtown West and Upper West Side offices and online sessions for those in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, South Carolina, and California. Let our qualified psychologists and therapists support you on your journey towards healing.

Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive grief counseling services.

Myths About Grief and Loss:

Myth: Grief is always limited to a set timeframe and should be over in a year.

Fact: Grief is a personal process. The duration of grief varies significantly among individuals and is influenced by various factors, including the nature of the loss, the person's relationship with the deceased, and individual coping mechanisms. Grieving has no set time limit; it can take months to years.

Myth: Grief counseling is only appropriate in severe cases.

Fact: Grief counseling can help anyone facing loss, regardless of how intense their grief is.

Myth: If I move on, it means that I am forgetting a loved one.

Fact: Moving on doesn’t mean forgetting a loved one. Instead, it entails discovering a new way to live while honoring the loved one's memories.

Myth: Only death causes grief.

Fact: Grief can be caused by various losses, including the end of a relationship, job loss, or health concerns.

Our Team of Therapists

All of our therapists are relatable, authentic, and insightful clinicians who understand what it is like to be a patient. Yes, we provide therapy but we strive to understand who you are, not as a patient but as a whole person.

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