Oded Hadar, MA

Testing Administrator

“Thank you for providing me with a tool to better understand myself.”  This is a comment I recently received from a testing client that  captures what I believe is the most powerful feature of psychological testing: the ability to provide a holistic snapshot of a person’s psychological functioning. My aim through the testing process is to provide you with a useful snapshot of your overall  psychological functioning that can help you perform more optimally in  your day-to-day life. 

Through the testing process, I combine quantified data, relevant background information, and clinical input into a unified “story” that can enrich your understanding of who you are and what you can do to grow and develop as an individual. By the end of our work together, you will come away having learned about your level of functioning as it pertains to numerous cognitive, emotional, and neurological skills. Furthermore, you will also be able to identify areas of strength as well as areas in need of support and growth. You will walk away with helpful recommendations on how to work and develop specific skills that are important for meeting your professional, academic, and personal goals. 

In addition, you will receive a thorough rationale for my diagnosis – rationale that is based on the connection between the diagnosis and your performance throughout the testing process. Finally, I will answer any questions you have about the testing report in order to ensure you can utilize the report to its optimal benefit.

Oded Hadar, MA

Testing Administrator

“Thank you for providing me with a tool to better understand myself.”  This is a comment I recently received from a testing client that  captures what I believe is the most powerful feature of psychological testing: the ability to provide a holistic snapshot of a person’s psychological functioning. My aim through the testing process is to provide you with a useful snapshot of your overall  psychological functioning that can help you perform more optimally in  your day-to-day life. 

Through the testing process, I combine quantified data, relevant background information, and clinical input into a unified “story” that can enrich your understanding of who you are and what you can do to grow and develop as an individual. By the end of our work together, you will come away having learned about your level of functioning as it pertains to numerous cognitive, emotional, and neurological skills. Furthermore, you will also be able to identify areas of strength as well as areas in need of support and growth. You will walk away with helpful recommendations on how to work and develop specific skills that are important for meeting your professional, academic, and personal goals. 

In addition, you will receive a thorough rationale for my diagnosis – rationale that is based on the connection between the diagnosis and your performance throughout the testing process. Finally, I will answer any questions you have about the testing report in order to ensure you can utilize the report to its optimal benefit.

Oded Hadar

"Nothing is permanent except change."

Training and Education

Therapists for Anxiety, Depression and Couples

Training and Education

I am a Clinical Psychology Doctoral  student at The City College of New York, where I also hold a position as a training-therapist at The Psychological Center, where I provide both psychotherapy and neuropsychological evaluations for children, adolescents, and adults. In addition, I currently serve as  advanced clinical extern at the Counseling Services Center at Queens College, providing short-term therapy for matriculated students. During my training, I have administered numerous testing batteries to people of different ages and presenting problems, assessing functioning in the cognitive, education, memory, attention, and psychological realms. 

I currently hold an MA degree in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University Teachers College. Prior to my psychology studies, I earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Music Performance and had a career as a professional Cellist, performing regularly with orchestras and chamber music groups in concert halls around the world.

What our clients say about us

“ I’ve been working with Jessica for nearly a year and am very grateful for our sessions, especially with the pandemic. She is a great listener and very down to earth. She remembers a lot of small details about my life and has connected many dots for me.”

- Verified Patient

“One of the most thoughtful and professional therapists that I've gone to. She listens carefully and patiently to what you have in mind without presuming anything about your problems and who you are; something that has really annoyed me in my previous experiences with therapists in general.”

- Verified Patient

“Dr. Behr is the absolute best. Brilliant and responsive, her knowledge base and ability to point out things you can't see through the things you say and the way you say them is phenomenal. My time with her has been invaluable, especially during the pandemic.”

- Verified Patient

“Dr. Jess has helped me so much with my anxiety and worry. She helps me see different perspectives on my problems which really helps. She also is always willing to call me and talk to me in between sessions if I need anything or add me to twice a week when I needed it. I really recommend her if your struggling with anything. She will help you.”

- Verified Patient

“I have been rebirthed by the work I'm currently doing with Dr. Behr. She is gentle, kind, always reassuring with the right words or suggestions. She has been a phone call away during times of my distress, a "cheerleader" for my personal and professional development, and reassuring when I doubt myself. She is quick to remind me "you are doing the work, I’m just helping you find what you already have within yourself". But, without her guidance my journey would be a lot more daunting. I walked into her office broken, sad and jaded, today I am healing, hopeful and most importantly happy!!”

- Verified Patient

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April 21, 2023

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April 20, 2023

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